CEO Gathering, Event Digging Strategy Success Manage Business Family
PPM School of Management and Deloitte collaborated to roll out an event titled CEO Gathering, A Path to Long-Term Success of Family Business, which will be in progress on Wednesday (17/1) at the PPM Home, Menteng, Central Jakarta. CEO Gathering contains exposure from the experts and discussion panels with the experts and the owner of the business family. The participants of this event can delve more profoundly into strategy success to manage a business family, creating opportunities for business, networking networks, expanding insight, and potentially bringing the business family to a new level.
“CEO Gathering is not only just an event but also A step progressive For empowering owners of businesses in face dynamics business family. With a focus on exchange experience And implementation practically, this event pushes participants To dig optimal potential in the management business family, as well as create a positive impact that can be felt in the long term,” said Mr AC Mahendra K. Datu, BA, MA, PhD, Chairman PPM College of Management. “ Activities This as inauguration Work The same between PPM School and Deloitte in the field Three Dharmas College, namely Education, research, and devotion to the public specifically family business governance and NexGen,” added Mahendra.
This series of CEO Gathering events is divided into four sessions. In session first, there will be an Exposure draft from the PPM School of Management and Deloitte regarding best practices in Family Business & Governance. Then, the session is a discussion panel with four panellists who have expertise in the field of business family and share how to journey the success of a business family. No lost importance on session third, namely collaboration between PPM School of Management and Deloitte through the non-degree program Mini Magister Manajemen (Mini MM) “Family Business & Governance”. At the end of the event, the participants can weave networking with each other informally while enjoying Eat Afternoon. The participants are the owners’ business family clients from PPM School of Management, PPM School of Management alumni, and Deloitte clients.